A Guide to Working Remotely

A Guide to Working Remotely

Welcome to the world of working from home. If working from home is your new reality and not what your typical work day looks like, we’re here to help guide you through this interesting time. 

Those involved in the world of media and the digital landscape luckily can work from home seamlessly––for the most part. We’ve got our laptops, our Slack open to talk to coworkers, and are available on email 24/7. Nothing new here. However, you are in a different environment when working from home. You can easily wake up, pull out your laptop from under your bed, tiredly make a cup of coffee, jump back into bed and begin typing away. But is that the most productive work space? 

For some, that sounds like a dream, and they can focus no matter the environment––brilliant, and good for you! If this sounds simply chaotic for you, it’s time to get organized and focused at home in order to create the most productive days ahead for yourself. 

It’s important to wake up, start your day and give yourself a few minutes of quiet time before immediately starting to work (...hello, burnout). Create a routine for yourself. Whether that’s showering and getting dressed for the day, making a cup of coffee and a nice breakfast for yourself, or doing a morning yoga routine––clear your head, and allow yourself some ‘me’ time. 

Have a clean workspace. Light a candle, wipe down your desk, and sit in a place where you don’t have distractions. Having your favorite show on is nice and all, but if you’re going to start intently watching for 30 minutes...that’s not going to fly. Work in a quiet space without a TV, unless you can handle multi-tasking like a pro. 

If you’re craving that social connection with coworkers or employees, move those meetings or chats online! Slack calls, Google Hangouts chats, video chatting and group messaging are all great options. 

Don’t feel like you have to constantly be working from the second you wake up to the second you go to sleep, or the opposite, slacking off because no one is watching or managing you at home––work the hours you normally would! Take your typical lunch break and make or order a tasty lunch. Grab a few healthy snacks throughout the day for some brain power (blueberries, almonds, etc.). Taking a midday shower or going on a lunch run will leave you coming back to work refreshed and ready to conquer the afternoon. 

Best of luck working from home!

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