10 Creative Ways to Use Social Media For Your Business

No matter what type of business you might be in, there are major advantages to utilizing social media. Not only can you use social media platforms to engage with your current customers (and potential ones), you can also drive traffic to your website, enhance your SEO efforts, and reach beyond borders to acquire new business.

If you aren’t already online, it’s time to get social! Did you know that 80% of people on Instagram follow at least one brand, and another 70% are more likely to purchase products via mobile devices on the popular social platform?

Additionally, 78% of American consumers have discovered retail products to purchase from Facebook.

If you’re not yet convinced, take a look at this infographic from Hootsuite:




That’s right, there’s over 3 billion active social media users as of 2018, which means you're more than likely to find people who want to buy from you on one of these platforms. 

Being on social media is a major advantage in 2019, but simply creating a few profiles and then eventually forgetting about them isn’t enough. You need to actively be putting in the time, effort and resources to create content that will make your business shine online. If you’ve set up your social media platforms, but you’re unsure where to start when it comes to executing content, keep reading!


Shooting behind-the-scenes video


People love seeing authentic content that feels "real" on social media, mostly because so much of what they do see is extremely filtered and calculated. A great way to build trust with your audience is by shooting behind-the-scenes video of your business and letting them step into your world for the day. 

Hosting an event? Launching a new product? At a conference with other industry professionals? Film it! Let your audience see what’s going on, and let them be intrigued by the inner workings of how your business operates. This type of content is great for Instastories, and usually performs very well.

Lush does a great job of doing this on its various social media channels. Below you can see that they’ve created a video which showcases exactly what happens when you return five clean black product pots to a Lush store, which many of their organic products are purchased in. You are instantly taken “behind-the-scenes” with this video, learning and seeing things you otherwise would not be aware of.   




Going live on Facebook or Instagram


On the topic of filming video, going live and actively engaging with your audience is a great usage of social media. If you have some sort of big announcement, or just want to hop online to do a live Q&A with your followers, recording a live video can again make this experience feel very authentic and transparent for your audience. It’s also a great way to form a more personal connection with people who follow you, since you will be talking directly to them! Facebook's algorithm also favours live video compared to filmed videos that are then uploaded to the platform. By going live, more of your social media followers will actually see your video in their newsfeed. 


Showcasing employees & company culture

If your employees don’t mind being featured or talked about on the company social media platforms, this is a fantastic way to build up not only your industry authority, but also your company culture online. It can also serve as a great HR tool, as many prospects head over to a companies' social media pages before heading into an interview to get a feel of the overall vibe. If you play your cards right, and externally project both an amazing culture and amazing employees, more people are going to be interested the next time a position is available to apply for. 

Additionally, consumers gravitate to brands that they can put a face to. If you can openly talk about your employees, the roles they play at the company, and what they might do on a day-to-day basis, people are more likely to follow along and engage with your overall brand story.


Linking to website to drive traffic

One of the best benefits of social media is being able to drive more traffic to your website. Did you just write a blog post? Did you update your services page? Did you revamp your homepage?

Everything that happens on your website should be reflected on your social media channels. Think of your social media platforms as outposts that should, 90% of the time, always lead back to your home base: your website. Posting on social media does not have to be rocket science; all you have to do is ask yourself if your channels are a reflection of what’s happening on your website. If not, revamp your strategy.

As an example, take a look at what HIGHSNOBIETY has done in the below Instastory graphic. Rather than simply posting a series of photos or videos, they’re linking followers to their newsletter. This can be done with blogs, case studies, pillar pages, and really any other content you have that lives on your website!




Connecting with potential & current customers

Social media gives you the chance to connect with both potential and current customers. If someone comments on a post you’ve put out, reply to them! If you think someone would enjoy a new product you are selling, message them! Remember, social media should be used as a two-way interaction tool. 

The possibilities for connection is endless, and the more you “engage” on your platforms, the more the various social media algorithms will favour your accounts, and show your posts to more people.

This also shows your audience that you are a real person who cares about them. Whether you have the time to personally reply to comments, or hire someone to do so for you, the benefits of actually interacting with people who buy, and might want to buy from you are many. You can really set yourself apart from your competition by simply acting like a human rather than a robot online!

Starbucks has this tactic nailed down, often replying to many of the comments they receive on their posts.




Joining in on relevant industry conversations

While it’s great to reply to some of the comments you receive on your social media platforms, it’s also a great tactic to become the commenter as well.

Remember how we said that social media platforms favour engagement when it comes to the algorithm? When you actively engage with other people and brands online rather than just on your own platforms, the algorithm will reward you as well. Engagement feeds more engagement.

Research some big names in your industry. If you’re in the digital marketing business, consider following other popular digital marketers or agencies that are also in your line of work. Comment on their photos and offer relevant advice. Pay attention to trending hashtags and join in on industry discussions, if they are relevant to you and your business. This is a great way to expand both your reach, your network, and your authority.

The wellness brand, Daily Life, does this very well. Notice how below the brand has engaged with Shine, another wellness brand, through a retweet and a reply. This is a pivotal component of their entire social media strategy. They are delivering additional value to their audience by reposting content that is outside of their brand, and they are also networking with other industry leaders in the wellness space by showing their appreciation for Shine's content.  




Joining relevant groups / communities in your niche

Social media platforms, such as Linkedin and Facebook, are home to a host of niche exclusive communities and groups. Again, this is a great way to utilize social media to expand your organic reach and authority online. Consider diving into some research as to what sort of groups and communities are on these platforms, and consider joining them.

Often times these places are a great place to get industry-specific advice, connect with like-minded individuals, and even advertise your own services.


Hosting giveaways

People like free things, and people love brands that give them free things. Consider hosting a creative giveaway the next time you’re stuck on how to engage people online (but, keep in mind all the different giveaway rules for each social media platform).  

Try doing a product giveaway, or if your budget allows, something that is a bit bigger like a trip or retreat. However, remember to always stay on-brand with what you decide to give away. Don't try giving away a car if you own a bookstore; stay relevant and in line with your product and service offerings. If you’re in the hotel industry, giving away a free night’s stay at on of your hotels for the exchange of information such as an email address is on-brand, and organically helps you in building your email list.

If you sell clothing on an e-commerce store, create a bundle package and post a photo of the bundle on Instagram. The “rules” to enter could simply be getting people to tag three friends in the comments section; this exposes your brand to a multitude of other people who otherwise might not have even known your brand existed!

This will help build a lot of engagement and buzz around your brand, and it’s a great way to “growth hack” your way to even more engagement, especially on Instagram.

Check out this blog for more giveaway ideas: 20 Clever Social Media Giveaway Ideas.


Getting important business insights

Once you’ve grown your social media audience through the various tactics listed above, or if you already have a super engaged audience, make sure that you are using that audience on social media to get important business insights.

This simply means checking in with your followers and asking: how are you liking our products? How has our service been lately? Are you enjoying the content we are currently putting out on our blog? What else do you want to see on our social media channels?

Your marketing efforts should be tailored around what your audience wants, and what they expect. Make sure you are using social media to get these important answers and insights because they are truly invaluable.


BONUS TIP: Starting an Exclusive Facebook Community

Finally, if you really feel like you are nailing it on the social media front, consider starting an exclusive Facebook community if your business fits the bill. Exclusive groups are great for people who are already raving fans of your product or service, and are willing to go that extra step to be part of a community of like-minded people who are also raving fans of your product or service.

For example, if you have a massive social media following for your beautiful cruise ship line, your exclusive group might focus on bringing together loyal travellers who are there to exchange travel trips before they embark on their next cruise. Or maybe you exclusively sell cameras. Your exclusive group might focus on people who are there to exchange product tips and tricks, as well as editing hacks. The possibilities are endless, but make sure you have a goal and a purpose when starting one of these communities. 

Still not sure where to start when it comes to social media marketing? No worries. We have you covered!



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